A GREAT PRICE for your Home in 30 Days!! 


This exclusive written guarantee will give you the assurance that

if your home does not sell within 30 days, we will buy it

for a guaranteed amount at no extra charge!

Call 1-800-422-7636 for complete details or fill out the information below.

  Your Contact Information  (Please complete all fields)  
  First Name:

Last Name:

Daytime Phone:

Evening Phone:


Street Address:



Zip/Postal Code:
If you are planning to sell your home, will it be within the next 6 months? 
   Yes No
Description of home:
Style of Home:  (eg. 2 levels, 1 level, bungalow, backsplit, etc.)
Type of Home
Approximate Square Footage:
Lot Size: ft. Frontage
ft. Depth
Type of Heating:
Age of Home:
Number of Bedrooms:
Number of Bathrooms:
Finished Basement:
On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being Poor and 10 being Exceptional),
please rate the showability of your home:
Poor 110 Exceptional
Special Features: